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Educator. Scholar. Violence and Intimacy Designer. Director. Actor.



Kate Published in Theatre/Practice

Kate's article, "Windows into Revolutionary Recovery: Check-Ins, De-Roling, and Debriefing Practices for Rehearsal and Performance," is now available in Theatre/Practice! Access is available through the link above. For the manuscript version, click here or scroll down!

Kate Published in Journal for Dramatic Theory and Criticism

Kate's article, "The Ethics of Care in Pedagogy and Performance: Intersections with Disability Justice, Intimacy Work, and Theatre of the Oppressed" is now available in Theatre Topics! Academic library access is available through the link above. 

Kate directing Inside Siberia at OU School of Drama

Kate will be directing a developmental production of Inside Siberia by Mallory Jane Weiss at the Gilson Lab Theatre at the University of Oklahoma. 

Kate Guest on "THED Talks" Podcast

Kate appeared on the podcast "THED Talks" to discuss theatrical intimacy and ways to advocate for students in higher education. Check it out here!

Kate Guest on "Beckett's Babies" Podcast

Kate appeared on the podcast "Beckett's Babies" to discuss how intimacy work can be valuable in the new play development process. Check it out here or on the Podcast Playlist further down the page. 

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Educator. Scholar. Artist.

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Kate (she/her/hers) is the founder of Heartland Intimacy Design & Training, an intimacy training company which offers academic, accessible, and affordable intimacy training entirely online. She has taught several workshops on staging intimacy, as well as designing intimacy for several productions. She is also one of the original co-founders of Theatrical Intimacy Education. She has written extensively on the topic of theatrical intimacy and de-roling and debriefing practices; her publications can be found in journals such as Theatre Topics, The Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, Theatre/Practice, and Howlround Theatre Commons


Kate is Assistant Professor of Movement, Intimacy, and Violence at the University of Oklahoma, where she teaches foundational and advanced movement courses, stage combat, and theatrical intimacy best practices for performers and stage managers. She also serves as the resident violence and intimacy designer for all School of Drama productions, and provides mentorship opportunities to emerging intimacy professionals within the program. Kate is an Advanced Actor Combatant with the Society of American Fight Directors (SAFD) with certifications in unarmed combat, rapier & dagger, quarterstaff, single sword, broadsword, broadsword and shield, knife, smallsword, and theatrical firearms safety.

In addition to her violence and intimacy work, Kate is a Level 1 Margolis Method Certified Educator and is currently working towards her Level 2 Certification. Margolis Method, along with Viewpoints and Laban Effort Shapes, serve as the foundation of her movement-based acting classes. 


Kate's national theatre involvement includes serving as the Vice President for the Women and Theatre Program, which aims to foster both research and production of feminist, anti-racist, and queer theatre activities and praxis. She is also a member of the Association of Movement Theatre Educators (ATME), which also falls under the umbrella of the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE).


Kate completed her Ph.D. in Theatre and Performance Studies at the University of Missouri in 2019, making her the first intimacy professional with a doctorate. Kate is also a director, primarily directing all femme productions that challenge or subvert gender performance and violence, play reading festivals, and regional semi-professional theatre. 

Home: About Me


Mac Beth Dress Rehearsal Nov 13_2023_121.jpg

Violence Design


Intimacy Design





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Curriculum Vitae

Teaching Philosophy

Heartland Intimacy Design & Training

Society of American Fight Directors Profile

IMDBPro Page

Oklahoma Film Office Profile

Comedic Reel

New Play Exchange

Dramatic Reel

De-Roling and Debriefing 

Podcast Guest Playlist

Home: Projects


Contact Kate Busselle regarding her published work, course offerings or any other inquires.

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